Thursday, August 27, 2015

From the moment we met her

From the moment we met her, we knew she was meant to be ours.

From the moment we met her, she fit just right in our family.

From the moment we met her, she brought smiles and laughter back to our home.

From the moment we met her, we were ready to fall in love.

We had been waiting for a puppy since the fall before Zackie died.  We really felt ready to welcome a new member into our family and actually thought that a puppy might be really good for Zack. When the first litter was born to my BFF's dog, the litter was all male!  We had our heart set on a girl, and while we were all disappointed, part of me knew that maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

The circumstances were so clear and so right when our Roxy was finally born!  Zack had been gone for over 6 months and our home was feeling empty, sad and lonely.  We were so hopeful that our puppy would be born soon as we really all needed some good news.  The boys were getting really excited and we even started to buy some pink stuff for her.

On August 27th (one year ago!), I sat on the phone with Jill as she counted the newly born puppies; one girl, then two, then three, then four!  All FEMALES this time!  It was a screaming sign that our puppy was in this litter!  It just felt right, from the beginning.  About 2 weeks after she was born, a medium even told me that Zack had sent a "black and white" dog to us (Roxy is a salt and pepper Schnauzer!).  Jill took amazing care of the puppies and we finally got to take ours home in November.  While our Roxy was meant to be a show dog in the beginning, her crazy teeth ruined her career (yikes).  We can't really ever thank the Bermans for giving us the greatest gift at the time we needed it most.

We often discussed as a family about silly things Roxy does, that remind us of Zackie. She used to wait at the top of the stairs and get upset until someone would carry her down- just as Zackie did. She has the deepest brown eyes that seem to have a sweet spirit, a deep soul that reminds us of our amazing son's spirit. She loves us unconditionally and adores us in ways that require no talking at all- just like our Zack.  She follows the boys around, thrives on their craziness, she is so excited to see them when they arrive home from school and can't wait to snuggle with them, just like their little brother did.  The boys are always quick to say to people that she is NOT the 5th member of our family, she is the 6th, since Zack is still very much in our family....I love hearing them say that.  They even mention that she has not replaced him in any way...however we all believe that she was sent to us from Zack to bring a smile to our sad faces.

Roxy just fit so perfectly in our family.  She was an amazing puppy with a sweet spirit, playful and affectionate!  While the boys are at school, I once again have company while I work from home.  I had been missing the companionship, since Zack's death, but now I once again have someone to care for, someone who needs me and someone who loves me unconditionally.  Roxy has filled a part of the void that was left after Zack died.  She is "mommy's girl".  While she might not love the pink tshirts and sweaters I buy for her, she does love to follow me everywhere!  If I have a shower, she lays outside of the glass door.  She sleeps under my desk when I work or on the carpet when I'm in the kitchen.  She is truly "my dog"- maybe because I need her most?  She's been a light in our lives and continues to bless us by being an amazing puppy.  Whether it's coming when we call, being off leash at the lake, enjoying the family boat rides or just falling asleep on our laps, she has brought life back into our home.

Loving the boat
Off leash and loving it!
Jayden asleep with Roxy on her couch


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Bday Roxy! We love you and Jessie loves having a playmate to spend time with :)

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